Creating a Desktop App of mcode The desktop app of mcode is created using 'neutralino' which is a light version of 'electron'. Neutralino uses the operating system web browser or a desktop browser application, while 'electron' also provides an embedded Chromium web browser. Neutralino acts a local web server, and mcode runs in the desktop browser. Resources that are loaded in can be mixed between the web and the desktop. Files can be read and saved to the desktop. Local files provided to the desktop web browser are contained in a neutralino resources file and are read-only. Build notes: This document from: website: docs/creating_an_app.txt (on Windows, Git bash shell is recommended) First time: On the desktop machine, Install npm and Neutralino per docs: Create new app in folder 'mcode' cd to a development folder neu create mcode For First time and for Updates: Unzip into mcode/resources/ cd mcode/resources Copy mcode/favicon.ico to ../ Copy mcode/docs/neutralino.config.json to ../../resources/. Copy js/neutralino.js to mcode/lib/. Close any running built-app, eg. mcode, then, in shell: neu build --release now you can run the binary in mcode/dist To update the desktop binary release: upload dist/ to website (requires website upload and write access) Changelog: -none- Windows Tip: Locate dist/mcode-win-x64.exe Create a shortcut, or pin to start, or pin to taskbar MacOS Tip: Creating a portable application package The neu build process creates a binary file for macOS, but that file can not be executed by a double-click action on macOS as a normal application. The following steps shows how to create a simple double-clickable executable on macOS. 1. Open Terminal. 2. cd dist/mcode 3. Change the binary file type to .app file type: mv mcode-mac_universal 4. Give the app file the required execution permissions: chmod +x Now you can execute the app by double-click. see: